Do you want the good news or the bad news first?
The good news...THE TUMOR IS NOT GROWING!!!! YEAH...Praise God! The tumor is exactly the same as it always has been...no bigger, no smaller...which leads me to the bad news. The tumor is not shrinking or in any way (at this point) being affected by the chemo. Although this is not exactly what we wanted to hear, we're just trying our best to celebrate in the good news. Afterall, it is possible that this tumor will never, ever grow again. Yes, of course we would love for this thing to shrivel up and die, never having to worry about it again, but God has chosen not to allow this to happen...yet!!!! I say yet, because we refuse to become discouraged, or lose hope that this could, and will, still happen! We remain to stay focused on the Great Healer...NOT on all the circumstances, or doctors reports, surrounding us. Besides...our fervent prayer remains to be, "Please heal her, Lord, however you choose!" This could mean he chooses to heal her by never allowing the tumor to grow again!
Anyway, I just wanted to update you on the results. I do promise that updating this site is #1 on my "to do" list for Monday, so stay tuned! Until then, I just want to thank all of you again (and again, and again....) for your many prayers, cards, phone calls, e-mails...EVERYTHING! We are so thankful for all of you. Much love to you all!