Oh my! Its been waaaay too long. I think I start every blog out by apologizing for it taking so long to update...this one's going to be no different. Sorry everyone!
I've got so much to update and pictures to share...BUT...its been really crazy around here and I honestly don't have the time right now (which I promise to explain why later), but we have a very big day this Thurs. and I, once again, am petitioning for your prayers on Claudia's behalf.
She has another MRI this Thurs., Sept.7. Our utmost prayer is that the tumor is not growing. However, IF (and the dr's emphasize IF), this MRI looks good ("good" to the dr's being no tumor growth), this could be our last round (which is 10 weeks) of chemo!!!! And although we would be absolutely ecstatic for a report of no tumor growth, we are hoping and earnestly praying that this MRI would show that the chemo is actually "affecting", or in other words, killing the tumor. Even though this is a distant possibility, its not necessarily what the dr's are expecting, so yes, it would be a miracle....but, yes, I also believe and trust in a God that performs miracles! Furthermore, if the chemo shows no effect on the tumor by this MRI, most likely, the chemo hasn't done anything at all (this type of tumor has no pattern of growth, so its very possible that the tumor has just stopped growing for now...having nothing to do with the chemo). Due to the nature of this tumor, and if this is the case (tumor not effected), the future course of treatment will be extremely hard for the dr's to prescribe (like further chemo treatment, how frequent she will need MRI's, future radiation, etc). I hope this explanation was not too confusing...and btw, feel free to e-mail me with any questions you may ever have at sarahekessler@yahoo.com .
So anyway, we would be indebted to you if you would please join us in asking God for a miracle...HE IS ABLE...MORE THAN ABLE!!!!
Thank you sooooo much for your prayers and encouragement...they just mean more than words could possibly express. And I PROMISE, I will give an update ASAP!!!!
(And even despite my lack of time at the moment, I just can't leave you without a picture...or two of my "bald beauty"...and isn't she that...SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!)
This is her new, "you-can't-make-me-smile," look!
(From our trip in Michigan...which I will tell you all about next time!)
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