The day went ok. Her MRI was scheduled for 12:30, so we left for Indy that morning. She can't have anything to eat or drink the day of so that's always a little rough. Also, she's really starting to understand and anticipate what's ahead...a part of this I've always dreaded. We walked in the hospital and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Is this going to be scary, mommy? Please don't leave me, mommy." It took everything in me to keep from crying right there. Its just so hard to watch your child go through something like this. For the next hour of waiting she just wanted to be held...she was clearly scared. Because she no longer has the port, she has to be put out with the gas mask, which is hard. They let me hold her as they used the mask. I sang to her the entire time. She took it pretty well. But she woke up hard. They tried several pokes to get a good vein in her hands but couldn't find one so they had to use a vein in her foot. She was crying pretty hard from it hurting badly. She was very glad to get it out! And she's very, very proud of her Strawberry Shortcake band-aid and doesn't want to take it off!

Waiting for results is one of the hardest parts of the day...my mind always takes me down this horrible road as we sit in the cancer clinic just waiting for the dr. to walk down the hall with our results. She said the tumor looks exactly the same! No growth!
Thank you so much for your prayers. The Lord hears and is answering! He has truly blessed us with amazing prayer warriors and support. We love you all!
I promise to try and update sooner! And, yes, Christian still promises to update about his and Claudia's Disney trip. So until then...
PTL!!!!!God is so good!I love the updates!I have to share, I went to pick up the kids from church last night(a little early)All the cubbies were playing a game and Claudia almost made me cry right there.The look of sheer delight and the sound of her laughter was completely priceless!It made me so thankful that she is here!What a special little girl you have!We are praying for you guys....specifically for SLEEP!!:)Love,Connie
Hallelujah! We serve an awesome God!!! I was praying like crazy. Thanks for uipdating and letting us know... I love all you guys!1 I'll talk atcha later
Miss seeing you guys!How are you doing?How's the babies?Have a very merry Christmas!
hey Dear Friend,
Just thought Id email you and let you know I'm thinking about you. I love you
okay so I miss you guys... email me or call me sometime k? I love you!
PTL! Praying for Claudia! Do you mind if I add you to my Praying For sidebar?
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