Thursday, March 09, 2006

Figuring out this "blog" thing!

McCray Family
Celebrating Claudia's 2nd Birthday
(Many have asked for a family photo...I thought I would put a "fun" one!)
Hey Everyone! Thanks for joining us. This is our very first post, so be patient with us as we figure this whole thing out. I, Sarah, will probably be doing most of the posting and unfortnately, I'm the most computer illiterate, soooooo....please be patient!

We will be using this webpage to keep all the many, many prayer warriors up to date on our "Claudia Journey." Feel free to leave us a message in the "comments" section. We'd love to hear from you. This first blog is just going to be a trial run. So, see you next time!

We love you all!


Anonymous said...

I'm praying that the tumor completely disappears you guys! I love you guys as very dear brothers and sisters in Christ and I am praying for Claudia. She is SO PRECIOUS!!! I posted about Claudia on my Xanga at I am more than glad to help in any way I can you guys!


Unknown said...

May the Lord bless you and your family. May he comfort and strengthen you and give you His grace, and hold you close to Him.